Sixth Form Bursary

In 2011-2012, the government launched the 16-19 Bursary Fund (known as the Sixth Form Bursary Fund). The Fund is to provide financial support to disadvantaged students in order to assist those students overcome specific barriers to their participation to ensure they remain within education.

After meeting the eligibility criteria, in order to receive payments from the Bursary Fund, students must meet set criteria on attendance and punctualitystandard of work and behaviour.

The Sixth Form Bursary Fund is formed of two elements:

  1. £1200 Vulnerable Student Bursary payments for groups of students who meet any of the following criteria:
  • young people in public care,
  • recent care leavers,
  • young people directly in receipt of income support or Universal Credit in place of Income Support (not via their parents)and
  • disabled students in receipt of Employment Support Allowance (or Universal Credit) and Disability Living Allowance.
  1. Discretionary Bursary payments will be available to students who qualify for free school meals.

Additional criteria for receiving payments:-

Attendance & Punctuality

95-100% attendance and punctuality to all required registration sessions and lessons as stated on your timetable.

This is monitored by registration records and your teachers recording absence or unreasonable lateness to lessons.

Standard of work

Subject teachers must be satisfied that sufficient progress is being made on all A Level and BTEC courses that you are taking. This includes the completion of all homework/coursework to a satisfactory standard.


General conduct around the school will be taken into account.  This includes providing a good role model for younger students, making appropriate use of study facilities provided by the school and maintaining a respectful attitude to all members of staff and other students.

Application Process

Please apply for Bursary by 19th September 2023  using this LINK

Email any evidence to

Initial claim period: 26 September – 17 October 2023

There will be three other claim periods available to students to review their spending:

21 November to 5 December 2023,

16 January to 30 January 2024  

13 to 27 March 2024

Page Documents Date  
SL6 Bursary Fund Policy 2024/25 08th Jul 2024 Download