Blog week ending 26th November

Posted on: 26/11/2021

It was an absolute pleasure to accopmpany students on a tour of our new amazing buildings!  Head Girl Lilah, Head Boy David and Engineering Ambassadors Archie and Saffy, together with Engineering Club member and Deputy Head Girl Anna saw first-hand how our classrooms and amazing facilities are taking shape.  I will continue to share updated photos in our blogs as we approach the final stages of the build .. ahead of our grand opening when we return from our Easter break.  Thank you to Mr Steve Martin of BAM for a really exciting tour, Miss Maxwell was particularly pleased to see how the students engaged with the design and engineering updates and feed-back Mr Martin shared and how they were able to relate it back to topics taught in the classroom.

Stone Lodge students with Mr Barnett Head Teacher



As you know, students use their Knowledge Organisers as a valuable learning tool and revision resource following a learning cycle.  This week is Super Teach week.  Super Teach week follows the assessments and allows students to recap and fill any gaps in their knowledge, but crucially is allows time for students to become masters of the topic, to develop their understanding and to demonstrate an outstanding comprehension and level of work.

Mr Proctor’s Year 9 PE students have been working on perfecting their passing and ball control ensuring a high level of accuracy and tactical game-play.  Super Teach means really perfecting skills and ensuring students have a thorough sense of the ingredients that make for an outstanding theoretical report as well as great skill on the pitch.



Our Year 8 Scientists have been analysing the results of a recent corrosion experiment.  Students have been working on conducting detailed scientific evaluations of their practical lesson investigations.




Over the last 10 weeks, Mr Proctor and the other Heads of year have introduced an 'attendance league' at Stone Lodge School to raise the profile of excellent attendance. Each week, two forms 'compete' against each other. In return for winning their 'match', forms gain attendance points that go towards the ongoing total of the league. A forms weekly attendance figure equates to the number of points, with an extra 100 attendance points for winning.

Each of the Attendance league scores are extremely close, with several forms still in the running for the Cycle A Reward which is ice skating!


Year 8 Performing Arts students have been perfecting their tableau pieces as part of Super Teach week considering frame, facial expression and body language to create outstanding tableaus to convey character and plot!

Below; washing machines on the spin cycle!



The below images are taken from their assessment piece which was taken from Alice in Wonderland and depicted the battle between Alice, The Mad Hatter and the Queen of Heart’s soldiers!


Our Term Dates for 2022-2023 can now be viewed on our website by clicking here 

PTFA Update! 

For more details on how to support or join our PTFA, please click here 


Best wishes,

Gavin Barnett

Head Teacher


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